
Sunday 16/July/2023 19:45 PM

Monday column: Someone from my old past

AS  I was patiently standing in the queue in a fast food restaurant, I saw a man furiously stabbing the numbers of a calculator. I also noticed that he...

Sunday 09/July/2023 20:14 PM

Monday column: Letting go of your past

I AM BEGINNING to think that people with good memory lead a very miserable life. No offence meant but who would like to remember every little detail of the...

Sunday 18/June/2023 21:15 PM

Monday column: The mental sanctuary

Safe havens are two words that came to my mind very much uninvited. They just floated in and suddenly formed a mental picture. Like curious strangers, they...

Sunday 11/June/2023 19:49 PM

Why don’t kids play outside anymore?

The great outdoor activity is now almost non-existent. Fresh air is a rarity and I am not talking about pollution. Businessmen, with the help of engineers,...