
Sunday 03/September/2023 20:20 PM

Monday column: The family’s extra luggage

In a busy mall, I was looking at a child pulling her mother’s abaya towards a coffee shop where a saleswoman was promoting donuts sold at a bargain price....

Monday 28/August/2023 08:00 AM

Monday column: The hard life of a labourer

I often see this Indian labourer at the beach sitting alone watching the waves crashing on the beach. There is always a thoughtful look on his face as he...

Sunday 13/August/2023 08:00 AM

Family Outings in Oman : Parks v/s Malls

As my family and I entered Al Mawaleh Park, memories flooded back from a conversation I had with my son back in 2008 at Al Khoudh Park. Amidst the excited...

Sunday 06/August/2023 19:24 PM

Are we too authoritative with our children?

There is a problem when we deal with youngsters these days. We are just too authoritative at a point that their minds shut off when we tell them what to do...

Sunday 30/July/2023 19:11 PM

Monday column: The jungle we call malls

While I was in a mood to watch people in a mall and it turned out that everyone in there acted like it was a huge jungle. So I sat in a coffee shop to amuse...