
Sunday 03/February/2019 15:10 PM

From a no-deal Brexit to a no-Brexit deal

With the recent signing of the Treaty of Aachen, French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel have renewed the Franco-German...

Sunday 03/February/2019 14:51 PM

Feeding the ten billion

Our current diets are bad for our health and are harming the planet. Two billion people are now overweight or obese. Poor diet is the biggest cause of...

Sunday 03/February/2019 14:33 PM

Why China must save less

In his influential 1954 article “Economic Development with Unlimited Supplies of Labour,” the future Nobel laureate economist Arthur Lewis concluded...

Saturday 02/February/2019 15:23 PM

How to eat to save the world

There is not a country in the world that is not grappling with the serious health and environmental consequences of their people’s diets. There has to be...

Saturday 02/February/2019 14:55 PM

The EU needs a Brexit endgame

After 31 months of the United Kingdom and the European Union arguing over Brexit, the truth is that neither side knows what it wants. This sad reality is...

Saturday 02/February/2019 14:43 PM

Trump’s North Korean road to nowhere

When US President Donald Trump meets again with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un next month, he will be staging the second act in a comedy of manners that...

Wednesday 30/January/2019 15:30 PM

The demise of western illusions in Syria

In March 2018, Syrian President Bashar Al Assad had himself filmed as he drove his car through the rubble-filled streets of Eastern Ghouta, on the outskirts...

Wednesday 30/January/2019 15:16 PM

The world’s responsibility to educate

January 24 was the first International Day of Education. It was a day of shared global responsibility, because every country has an obligation to ensure...