MUSCAT: Carrisaa Bopanna, a former student of Indian School Ghubra (ISG), captivated the hearts of thousands as she was recently crowned Miss Teen Universe India at the 2024 edition of Miss Teen Diva held in Jaipur, India. The event, featuring participants from across the country, saw Carrisaa and three others bestowed with crowns, each exuding effortless elegance and poise on the ramp.
Joining Carrisaa in the winner's circle were Kaziah Mejo, Tanishqa Sharma, and Kavin Rao.
Carrisaa will represent India at Miss Teen Universe, while Kaziah, Tanishqa, and Kavin will represent the country in Miss Teen International, Miss Teen Earth, and Miss Teen Grand, respectively.
Organised by Glamanand International India, the annual beauty pageant selects representatives to compete in various international pageants, including Miss Universe.
Before the selection of the top 15 out of 29 participants, the event featured a talent round alongside other highlights such as a makeup session, gala dinner, and sashing ceremony.
Acknowledging her journey from Oman to the apex of India's beauty pageant scene, Carrisaa expressed gratitude to her parents and ISG teachers for their unwavering support and guidance.
Currently pursuing fashion design at the National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT) in Bengaluru, Carrisaa plans to utilise her platform to champion social causes, particularly education and the empowerment of young girls.
In her remarks to Times of Oman, she said: "I would like to express my deep gratitude to my family, mentors, and supporters for their unwavering encouragement and belief in my abilities.
"I will now use this success as Miss Teen Universe India to take up social causes that are close to my heart, including promoting education and empowering young girls to achieve their aspirations."
In addition to her advocacy for fashion, Carrisaa is committed to promoting menstrual health and hygiene. "I plan to educate women and young girls about menstruation and hygiene through workshops, seminars, and outreach programmes," she added.
Looking ahead, Carrisaa eagerly anticipates representing India on the global stage at the upcoming Miss Teen Universe pageant.
Her mother, Shakunthala, was full of pride and emotion on the achievement of Carrisaa.
She said: "Carrisaa's remarkable journey from Oman to the Miss Teen Universe India platform is a reward to her multifaceted personality and her global outlook. From dressing up her dolls to sketching her own designs, she has always been drawn to the world of style and creativity. Her journey to Miss Teen Universe India is a reward for her relentless pursuit of excellence and her unwavering dedication to her craft."